Bmw K 1200 Rs Cafe Racer. The RS might not be what I'm looking for. But against all odds, Cafe Racer Dreams have made it work.
Майк Флорес: кафе рейсер BMW K100 Killer K / Cafe Racer ... (Nellie Cain)
XXXX BMW KXXX Cafe Racer Total restoration, pack paint, new exhaust, new battery, new grips, new mirrors New fork seals, new rear shock, new fuel pump, new brake master cylinder New rear disc, new pads. The RS might not be what I'm looking for after reading the reviews. But against all odds, Cafe Racer Dreams have made it work.
The RS might not be what I'm looking for after reading the reviews.
Motorcycle Specifications, Reviews, Roadtest, Photos, Videos and Comments on all motorcycles. BMW K1200RS #StreetTracker design ...
Obecnie przebudowujemy motocykle na cafe racery. W przeszłości zajmowaliśmy się profesjonalną budową trajek. It looks like the one a few posts above, but blue instead of black with the white.