Electric Cafe Racer Bike. Denzel has dropped the original "E-cafe" name and blatant "Honda-inspired" connections from all of its information about the bike, but the looks of it still closely resemble an old Universal Japanese Motorcycle that has been chopped. The design embraces the classic custom styles of scramblers and cafe racers while boasting a distinctly futuristic aesthetic.
Take for example the retro-styled Tarform.
Electric motorcycle from DENZEL: Electric cafe race.
Our Vintage-style Cafe Racer Electric® bicycles are designed built and sold in Canada. This allows you to find an electric cafe racer bicycle vendor that is closer to your location or which is subject to lesser or no. Savic electric cafe racer: the prototype shows separate battery and motor sections, but production bikes will have a liquid-cooled battery and motor integrated into a single L-shaped unit with air scoops. dubbed the 'electric café racer', this futuristic concept depicts what the future of motorcycles might hold for honda. created by spanish and russian designers, pablo baranoff dorn and alex guliyants, they have created no-less than four bike renderings in the past, most of which celebrate such a. #Kaferacers is a unique platform for the cafe racer & vintage lifestyle.